Thursday, April 25, 2013

Poke Sallet Festival Planning

Cindy and I sat in on the meeting of the planning committee for the Poke Sallet Festival Thursday night. I really had no idea how much work and energy went into this kind of thing!

My hat is "off" to those who are doing this tremendous service for our community. The carnival, food vendors, craft vendors, handling waste, setting up the streets... all of it is just too much for the few who have been (and still are) working to make this event happen.

More of us should get involved in the "behind the scene" labor that goes into this. Call the Chamber of Commerce and ask what you can do to help.

If you can not do that this year, plan to be involved next year. Between now and next year plan to attend, take in all of the sights and events.

See you at the Festival!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Gainesboro-Jackson County Chamber of Commerce

There are many groups that positively impact the Town of Gainesboro & Jackson County. One such organization is our local Chamber of Commerce. You may not know that our Chamber is one of two in the state that is not underwritten by its local governments.

Whether that is as it should may be a subject for future discussion. What IS needing discussion at this time is the Chamber's need for increased participation. We are building momentum for growth and development around the Town Square and in other areas of Jackson County.

People cry out for "more jobs," but the real need is for more entrepreneurs and small businesses as well as larger corporate concerns. An increased Chamber of Commerce membership will provide much needed assistance in promoting and encouraging business ownership, start-ups, and "move-ins."

Consider becoming a member of the Chamber. Individuals (whether in business or not), small businesses already operating, and representatives of the larger corporate marketplace can join for just a few dollars. Cindy & I have recently filled out and mailed in our applications.

The annual membership fees are based on a calendar year and are very inexpensive:

Jackson County business (1-10) Employees - $50.00
(Please add .50 for each additional employee over 10)

Associate Member (individual) with residence within Jackson County - $25.00

Associate Member (individual) with residence outside Jackson County - $30.00

Senior Associate Member (individual, over 55) - $20.00

Sunday, April 21, 2013

New Water Department Employee & Patrol Cars

We had suspended the Board of Aldermen Meeting earlier in the month and set Thursday, April 18th, to complete the meeting. The reason we did so was so that we could complete the hiring of a Water Department worker after the resignation of Tim McConnell.

After interviewing the applicants we filled the position by hiring Ricky Dale Head, the son of a former city employee and current County Commissioner. Ricky and his wife Rebecca are well known and well thought of in our community. I look forward to the continuing improvement of service in our town.

Many thanks to those who expressed interest and completed the application and went through the interviews. We are blessed to have so many willing to serve the community.

In addition to filling the open position, we faced an additional pressing issue. One of the patrol cars scheduled for replacement in the next fiscal year had begun presenting some serious mechanical failures. As a result we found it necessary to replace it a couple of months earlier than anticipated.

The good news is that we were able to add a replacement patrol car and an administrative car for about 1/3 the cost of the last patrol car purchased. State surplus seemed to have exactly what we needed when we needed it!

We had to transfer some surplus funds into this year's budget, but we will replace the surplus funds in the new budget beginning in June. A little "robbing of Peter to pay Paul" not only allowed us to meet the crisis, but also saves the Town of Gainesboro several thousands of dollars!

It must also be pointed out that sound fiscal planning and decisions by Mayor Fox and previously elected Aldermen have made this possible. I hope this Board of Aldermen can continue in that great legacy.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How Can Our Town Help You & Your Children?

While attending the Highlands Initiative Meeting in Cookeville April 9, 2013, I heard a brief presentation by Kevin, Huffman, Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Education.

He praised some of the programs being sponsored by local business to assist parents and families by directly impacting their education and training.

Mr. Huffman stated what most of us already know: We can not raise the educational and skills levels in classrooms alone. We need the schools, local businesses and the communities to partner together.

Considering the positive business environment and the culture of our state, many business would like to move to Tennessee. What holds some back is a concern about finding a suitable workforce with a suitable level of education and "skill set"to allow the company to be successful.

I understand that Tennessee students have made great progress over the last couple of years, but let's be frank... we still have a long way to go. We are somewhere near the bottom of the rankings compared with other states.

It is not a time to whine about limited opportunities or what should have happened in the past. It is not time to be focusing on what someone else should be doing. It is time for you to step up and take responsibility. It is time for me to step up as well.

What I hope you, as citizens of Gainesboro, will tell me is what the town can do to help.

I'm looking forward to your responses.

While you are at it, go ahead and subscribe to these posts by email. The link is on the page. That way you can stay involved in this discussion.

Like the Commissioner said: "High Standards Are Right For Our Children." The real truth is:

High Standards Are Right For Each Of Us!

New Business Coming to Our Region

While attending the Highlands Initiative Phase II Annual Investors Meeting I was excited to hear that new businesses and job opportunities are coming into our region.

This is good news for those who are looking for work.

Don't sit back and wish... Go hunting!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Conflict In The Community

I should make this clear early on, I am a minister. My goal is always to be "spiritual" in my thinking. That does not mean I intend to be "preachy," but it does happen.

As I reflect on things around Gainesboro (from my perspective) you can expect to read my spiritual perspectives in my writings. You may not have reached the same conclusions, but they are from my perspective. We can still work together on things about which we agree.

Conflict is always part of our lives. Whenever there is more than one person there will be conflict. Sometimes I have conflict all by myself. That seems to be within our human nature. Conflict is present, but it isn't unhealthy. The way we deal with conflict can be unhealthy (and often is).

For believers I submit the following:

Jesus said, "If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over." Matthew 18:15

Paul wrote, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves … your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:3, 5).

Conflict resolution is based on actively seeking what is best for everyone involved, not seeking what is most desirable for "me."

For those who are not too interested in my "spiritual" references I submit that the conclusion above still makes good sense.

When we disagree about the way things should be in our wonderful town you and I will be well served to remember that we are not part of this community so that we can be frustrated. We are together so we can benefit mutually. We are working for the best interests of the community as a whole.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Gainesboro .April 5, 2013 Too Lovely Not to Mention

The "Dog" problem

We all love our dogs, but a reality of dog ownership is complying with the Tennessee state law to care, provide, and confine the dogs we love. This is for our own protection as well as their protection.

As we grow and attract new business (and new customers) to our lovely Town of Gainesboro, the issue of dogs being off property becomes more of a problem. In addition, owners have the responsibility to have their dogs and cats vaccinated and tagged.

A common misconception is that in caring for strays the animals do not become MY responsibility. The reality is that after a very short time, if I (or you) allow an animal to remain where I/you live, we become legally responsible and liable for the animal.

As we try to balance the realities of animal ownership with the legal requirements of animal responsibilities, we are beginning to explore options for the care, regulation and confinement of animals running-at-large.

If you have suggestions feel free to become involved.
The Town of Gainesboro employees are now eligible for Accidental Death Insurance at no cost to them or the Town. In addition, the employees can now have term life insurance as a payroll deduction option.