Friday, April 5, 2013

The "Dog" problem

We all love our dogs, but a reality of dog ownership is complying with the Tennessee state law to care, provide, and confine the dogs we love. This is for our own protection as well as their protection.

As we grow and attract new business (and new customers) to our lovely Town of Gainesboro, the issue of dogs being off property becomes more of a problem. In addition, owners have the responsibility to have their dogs and cats vaccinated and tagged.

A common misconception is that in caring for strays the animals do not become MY responsibility. The reality is that after a very short time, if I (or you) allow an animal to remain where I/you live, we become legally responsible and liable for the animal.

As we try to balance the realities of animal ownership with the legal requirements of animal responsibilities, we are beginning to explore options for the care, regulation and confinement of animals running-at-large.

If you have suggestions feel free to become involved.

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